Next Day Nutra

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GDPR Compliance and Personal Information

In order to use Next Day Nutra, you must provide us with your email address and personal information (name, billing address, and billing information). This information will be used to bill you for usage of the software.

By signing up after May 25, 2018, you must give consent for Next Day Nutra to use this information. Additionally, you must agree to the Terms of Service, outlined in Terms of Service ( You have the following rights:

  • Right to Rectification: You may update or amend your personal data at any time without restriction.
  • Right to Consent: You may revoke your consent at any time. Please note that by doing so, you will be cancelling your account.
  • Right to be Forgotten: You may request us to delete any and all personal data related to your account. Please note that we will not have control over personal information you retain on your computer (for example, anonymized information stored in cookies under the * domain). You have the right to notification of completion of this request.
  • Right to Data Portability: You may request to receive any data we retain related to your account.
  • Right to Object: You have the right to object to the usage of your data.
  • Right to Access: You have the right to understand how and why your data is being used. To summarize:
    • Your name and billing information is used to bill you for your usage of the Next Day Nutra service.
    • Your settings and preferences are saved to customize your Next Day Nutra service experience.
    • The saved orders, transactions, products, descriptions, and any meta-information related to products attached to your account are saved as a core function of the Next Day Nutra service.
    • Your email address is retained for marketing purposes by Next Day Nutra and affiliated subsidiaries owned or related to Next Day Nutra: your private information is not sold or available to third parties (aside from those clearly used by Next Day Nutra as a core service: Shopify and Ali Express, for example).
    • The mailing address of your customers is made available temporarily to fulfill orders on supplier websites, and is not retained.
    • The above information will be retained for not longer than 3 years after your account is closed, although you may specifically request early deletion under the Right to be Forgotten, defined above.  
  • Right to Restriction of Processing: You may “freeze” your account at any time, and unfreeze it as well. Doing so will cancel your account and services provided by Next Day Nutra to you. You have the right to notification of completion of this request.

By affirming the checkboxes in the registration process, you do affirm that:

  1. You are 16 years of age
  2. You understand that Next Day Nutra requires my name, email address, mailing address, billing information and other personal information in order to bill me.
  3. You understand how you can:

    a. Make changes in specified personal data
    b. Make requests to view my personal data
    c. Request to restrict processing of my personal data
    d. Request to delete my personal data
    e. Report a violation of GDPR principles

  4. You understand and consent to these rights per the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union.


All requests related to the above may be made to [email protected]

You may find more information on the GDPR at

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